Compact cooking

Design brief

Refugees often fully rely on charities and non-profit organizations for survival. The challenge given by the client was: design a stove with a maximum volume of three liters that can be used to prepare a meal for two people with the least possible amount of fuel. Giving refugees a tool to prepare their own meals could be the first step towards independence. 

The solution

The Komfoor is a stove designed for refugee camps. To find the perfect solution for this design challenge all stakeholders had to be accounted for. The design must be easily transported to remote areas. That means that design has to be lightweight and compact. 


The end product is a compact cooker that can easily be transported, because all parts fit together. The efficient burner under the stove consumes little fuel to create sufficient heat for a long time. During this project a lot of work was done with the 3d modeling program Solidworks. The final design is cut from 2mm thick sheet steel.